TMJ Symptom Checker

Do you have a TMJ Disorder?
Use our quick guide to help determine if your symptoms are TMJ related. In many cases, other disorders also mimic the symptoms of TMJ. The #1 cause of treatment failure is an inaccurate diagnosis.
Jaw or Facial pain, discomfort, or tightness
Headaches (pressure, tension, migraine-like)
Noises from jaw (clicking, popping, crunching)
Jaw locking or getting stuck
Ear symptoms (pain, fullness, ringing)
Neck pain
Feeling that your bite is off
Difficulty chewing
Tooth pain
Other factors that can lead to a TMJ disorder are trauma to the jaw or face, autoimmune arthritis in other small joints (such as fingers or toes), gum chewing, and clenching/grinding your teeth.